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참가부문 | 전문가 | 분야 | 2D |
제목 | The new suture technique after pedicled TRAM flap: Improvement of the aesthetic outcomes of breast reconstruction (가제) |
대상 | 전문의료인 | 의뢰 | 분당 차병원 성형외과 |
제작도구 | Adobe Photoshop CC, Procreate pro, Adobe Illustrator CC | 형식 | JPG |
이름 | 김선주 (Sun-Joo Kim) | 소속 | Medical Artist Studio (대표) |
작품설명 This is an explanation of a new technique in the breast reconstruction process, involving the harvesting of a flap and then suturing the abdomen. A novel approach has been devised to minimize scarring as much as possible.